Alan Watt "Masters of Money, Mayhem & Mass Manipulation" 3.27.22

2 years ago

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

"Masters of Money, Mayhem and Mass Manipulation in All Ages"

[ Original Broadcast June 8, 2007] Storms, Food Rationing - Credits given to Public - "Utopia", Hierarchies of Dominant Minorities - Building Empires - Money and Debt Collection, Egyptian Priesthoods - Weighing Silver and Gold - Weights and Measures - Standardization by Phoenicians - circa 800 B.C. Coin Introduced - British Pound - Currency Devaluations - Economic Depressions, Overt Slavery, Military Privileges, Monetary System and Standing Armies, Deviant Psychopaths - Magician Tactics - Cursing People - Psychological Warfare - New Age, Lessers (Normals) - Eugenics - Inbreeding to Keep Power and Genetics, Forced Schooling - Universal Formats to Train Your Mind, Good Workers and Producers - Leisure Class of Thinkers - Maintenance of Power for Future Generations - "The Nature of Things", Amalgamation of Tribes into Nations, Pandemic and Disease Breakouts (from Laboratories) - Public Turn to Government for Safety, Space Weaponry from 1960's onward, End of this Era - Bringing In a New Era - New Way - New Deal, More Efficient Population to Serve Elite, Micro-burst Storms - High Winds - Downed Trees, Family Trees of Politicians - CONning the Public - Confiscation of Wealth, FDR - Banks and Deposits - Mortgages and Loans - Government-Ordered Bank Closures - National Bank Holiday - Treasury, (Franklin D. Roosevelt: "Banking Holiday Explained" NBC 1933. followed by clip: Beaver (Leave it to Beaver TV Series): "We've been tooken". Song: "When the Idle Poor Become the Idle Rich" from Finian's Rainbow). 


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