Elana Freeland | Geoengineered Transhumanism, Humanity 2.0, & The Esoteric Agenda

3 years ago

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About Today's Guest:
Elana Freeland came of political age during the COINTELPRO decade of Vietnam, street riots, political assassinations, and all-night rap sessions about the Establishment's downfall. Her US Navy Intelligence father was enmeshed with the military-industrial complex she writes about. Like the characters in the book, readers will learn how every major event and personality in the United States political establishment over the past 50 years is tied in one way or another to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas. She has a BA in creative writing and wrote her Master's thesis on historiography.

Geoengineered Transhumanism is the third book in Elana Freeland's trilogy on geoengineering. It completes the picture of what geoengineering has been from its very inception decades ago: to control the ionosphere with phased array heater blasts so as to maintain an ionized atmosphere in which chemicals, nanotechnology, and synbio synergies can be continuously laid by jets, drones, and rockets in the name of "climate change."

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