Saule Omarova New WH appointee right out of the Obama era

3 years ago

This video is 8 years old but this Social Communistic agenda is progressing rapidly. I suppose if you studied and majored in Scientific Communism like this person Omarova did you certainly would know a great deal. Why would this administration want someone like this in control of finances?

Hello beautiful people and welcome to my brand new channel, Truths Uncensored. l started collecting screenshots of the White House video dislike ratios and the comments before they were disabled. They show some very interesting things. Like the total opposite of what the MSM is reporting.

Just a quick note to please forgive my inexperience with video making. l am learning as l go and hope to get better with time.

l just want to find the truth and show it to as many of you as I can.

More social websites to come.

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