President Donald Trump's most iconic moments

2 years ago

From the moment President Trump was inaugurated, controversy has ensued.

The first presidential scandal kicked off early into Mr Trump’s presidency when images of his inauguration were found to have been edited after an intervention from the president, to show bigger crowds than had actually attended the event.Images of the event later revealed his predecessor Barack Obama had strikingly larger crowds than President Trump did at his inauguration.

As Trump was inaugurated, along with his supporters coming out in force, millions of Americans took to the streets to protest his presidency and a limo was set on fire in Washington DC.

The day after his inauguration, hundreds of thousands of women wearing ‘pussy hats’ participated in the Women’s March on Washington.

The pussy hat became a symbol of resistance after audio was leaked during the 2016 presidential race of Mr Trump bragging about grabbing women “by the pussy” in 2005.

When Trump played a fake action movie trailer to Kim Jong-un
Who could forget the moment President Trump, using an iPad, played a fake action-movie style trailer to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un during their nuclear talks in 2018.

“We had it made up. I showed it to him today, actually during the meeting, toward the end of the meeting, and I think he loved it,” Trump said at the time.

The bizarre trailer showed images of weapons and flashed to videos of Mr Jong-un and Mr Trump as the narrator said they were “two men, two leaders” with “one destiny”.

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