What You're Going To Do, Do Quickly (Dennis Pippin)

2 years ago

Sunday (Night) Preaching: Mar 27 2022

The Edomites Were Hated By God Because They Despised Their Birthright; They Had the Opportunity to Help and Did Not: They Just Stood By and Watched. We as Christians Can Either Spread the Word of God or Standby and Watch. Will You Act as the Edomites and Forsake What the Lord Has Done? Scripture: Obadiah 1:10-15

Website: http://pastorcharleslawson.org/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/zion4131
Parler: https://parler.com/profile/zion4131
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/zion4131

Watch Pastor Lawson Live & Previous Full-Length Services at: http://livestream.com/accounts/14473788/events/4340829

Live Stream Schedule (Eastern Standard Time):
Sunday School: 10:00am
Sunday Morning: 11:00am
Sunday Evening: 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening: 7:00pm

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Temple Baptist Church
email: templebaptist@comcast.net

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