God is good all the time 475: Have Nothing to do with those who are False

2 years ago

This is dealing with how we are called to deal with those that say they are a ministry, minister, Prophet etc. If they do not follow the doctrine of Christ they do not know GOD and if they do follow the doctrine of Christ as it was taught they have both the Father and the Son...Do not allow them into your house or bid them God Bless. For those who do bid them God Bless are guilty of the evil deed as well. This is basically the wording of 2 John 9-13. We are not to have any part of those things or people that claim to know God yet are not teaching the doctrine of Christ because they DO NOT KNOW THE LORD!! And by even acknowledging them we give credence to the things they say and teach as being the truth or A truth of God and we are then giving them support that makes us complicit in there lies. This is what we at Time-Line Enterprises have decided to do so that we are not allowing a lie or lies to by supported by us even after we have tried to do the best to show the truth that God has given us in His Word.

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