The Lord is coming soon! Are you ready?

3 years ago

The Bible has had over 2,000 prophesies come true. We are living in Revelation right now. The things that the Bible says will happen, is happening in great detail! why wont we look? Do you want t0 be left here for the great hour of tribulation that will come upon the whole world? Come and study with me as we talk about dreams, in the end times the Bible says the Lord will pour out His spirit onto all people. Is the Lord talking to you in dream state and your unaware that, thaqt is what is happening? The Euphrates is all but dried up which is also said in greaqt detail in the Bible. There are huge fallen angels underneath that will be released at some point. DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH OR WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD!? ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE! TIME, IS RUNNING OUT!

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