GURPS Game Aid v0.12.10

3 years ago

Release 0.12.10 12/1/2021

- Fixed "crash the world" bug if user enters a bad modifier in tooltip
- Removed unnecessary leading space when dropped in quick note

Release 0.12.9 12/1/2021

- Added OtF Drop into Journal (but not editor, sorry

Release 0.12.8 12/1/2021

- Added drag drop into chat log and chat input field
- Fixed equipped parry if weapon name contains more info than the equipment
- Added drag and drop into mook generator (to quickly create entries)
- Added link to Foundry lighting page for /light help
- Updated animation list to JB2A 3.2

Release 0.12.7 11/30/2021

- Added /man into /help list
- Fixed /w help information
- Updated Users Guide (and associated PDF)

Release 0.12.6 11/30/2021

- Updated GCA export to make OtF-able CR: when exporting (@Stevil)
- Updated 'export to Foundry VTT.gce', moved the modifiers from the 'name' tag to be part of the 'text' tag in the Ads/Disads (@Stevil)
- Updated GCA export validation to GCA-10
- Add /maneuver /man chat command to set maneuver
- Fixed dragging multiple modifier buckets onto the same macro (replace works correctly now)
- Fixed equipped status mirrors carried status (and all items contained within)
- Fixed /showmbs command
- Fixed [S:skill -mod] where mod was being applied twice
- Fixed +/- buttons on equipment list
- Added +/- buttons to Uses column in equipment list
- Added HTTP link support for all lists (not just equipment)
- Added /show fright move speed

Release 0.12.5 11/23/2021

- Fixed a bug with the ADD applying damage to a resource tracker.
- Remove chat messages for ranged attack modifiers on postures. (Will be replaced by target modifier list window).
- Updated color picker to speed up GGA load time
- Added drag and drop of OtFs from chat & journals
- Changed drag and drop macros to be chat macros (instead of script)
- Allow OtF macros to be merged on drag and drop

Release 0.12.4 11/16/2021

- Added drag and drop to quick notes
- Added support for Test function [?XX:nane] where XX is A: ads & attack (melee & range), AD: ads, AT: attack, M: melee, R: ranged, S: skills & spells, SK: skills, SP: spells
- Updated color selection code (@Stevil)
- Hopefully fixed skill layout issues (@Stevil)
- Hopefully fixed "GURPS Instant Defaults" issue.

Release 0.12.3 11/11/2021

- Fixed misspelling of variable name

Release 0.12.2 11/11/2021

- Add data protection code displayNumber and try catch to migration functions

Release 0.12.1 11/11/2021

- Add data protection code in updateToken()

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