3D Live Scanner [Android app]

3 years ago

I tried out the 3D Live Scanner app by Lubos Vonasek Programmierung, and at the time of posting this - it was still in early access, but I found it to be incredibly functional while scanning the front room I use as a studio.
It's currently free, and technically unreleased: so grab it while you can.

I've only explored the one feature where you can scan a room, but hot dang - when I get a day off, you know I'll be going out to Sheffield city centre, and trying to 3D scan some landmarks.

Play Store link to the Android app:

Instant Meshes:

If you're looking for a quick guide to Instant Meshes, I recommend the Peter France tutorial on it: though this is focused around scanning individual objects, not entire rooms - which is why I left it out of this video.
If that name rings a bell, it bloody well should - he was once part of Corridor Crew....

Unicorn Heads - Dreaming in 432Hz
This track is CC0 but I still wanted to credit it, as I always do.
As an avid lucid dreamer who listens to binaural tones, this is the closest I could get without hypnotising my audience.

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