2 years ago

And here WE go for the video of the RHIZOME concept !
Four months of full-time daily work, summarizing the interviews and the information gathered, the resulting research, the investigation of the subjects and theories that I discovered as I went... and that's just the beginning...
In summary, all the technologies invoked in this video exist or have already been used. They form the essence of a neutral Internet: decentralized AND autonomous
It is a question of articulating them together, according to the mentioned specifications. These specifications are at the origin of the first algorithms, which will branch out naturally over time thanks to the testimonies of factual experiences acquired by each one.
It is a holistic and fractal approach to our multiplicity, with its contradictions ethically / sociologically / philosophically / spiritually / artistically etc... thanks to a computer tool at the service of the greatest number, reflecting a cartography of our human reality with a view to a transparent, horizontal mode of communication, where each member (node) is both the source (root) and the expression (stem) of Whole-Selves, what I call "the Great WE".
The RHIZOME is a neutral image of the great WE and definitely does not pretend to interpret it.

I am now moving on to phase 2 with the RHIZOME TOUR to meet the family for waking up together… and always according to the Angels' agenda !


The RHIZOME Concept on VK : https://vk.com/public201053785

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