3 Funny Classic Jokes

2 years ago

#classicjokes #jokeoftheday #humor

1. A naked man was walking down the street with a woman on his back.
A gentleman on the other side of the road asked, "Where are you going?"
The naked man replied, "To a fancy dress party."
"What as?" asked the bemused gentleman.
"A tortoise", said the naked man.
"Well, who is the woman on your back?" said the intrigued gentleman.
"Oh, that's Michelle."

2. Each evening bird lover Tom stood in his backyard, hooting like an owl – and one night, an owl finally called back to him.
For a year, the man and his feathered friend hooted back and forth. He even kept a log of the “conversation.”
Just as he thought he was on the verge of a breakthrough in interspecies communication, his wife had a chat with her next door neighbor.
“My husband spends his nights calling out to owls,” she said.
“That’s odd,” the neighbor replied. “So does my husband.”

3. There were two rats living in a sewer. One rat turns to the other and says, "I'm sick of this!"
"Sick of what?" replies the other rat.
"Sick of crap for breakfast, crap for lunch, crap for dinner, crap for tea - crap all day long. I'm just sick of it," says the first rat.
"Don't worry," replies the second. "I know what will cheer you up - tonight we'll go on the piss"

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