[#Covfefe Break] New Zealand Loses Liberties; Elon Musk Red Pills | W/ Maree Buscke & Cecil Charles

3 years ago

Carter (adorned in a Die Hard-themed Christmas outfit) and Keri are joined by special guests Maree Buscke and Cecil Charles. Maree kicks off the show with an explanation of New Zealand's draconian attacks on liberty, which leads to a discussion about the validity of comparing current events to past tragedies. Carter argues that the primary purpose of remembering historical atrocities via memorials is to help prevent them in the future. Next, the group talks about how the term "unvaccinated" has become a tool for "othering" a segment of the population, and how Americans have gone from being humans to being livestock.

New Zealand's cigarette ban "for the public good" is next on the docket, which prompts a rant from Carter. Keri explains how the main stream media co-opped the term "the Big Lie" in relation to the 2020 election, and Carter expresses joy over Elon Musk's slow but public red-pilling. The group ends the show with the observation that Western culture has become so dystopian that it's impossible to satirize.

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