2 years ago

Experiential Encounter with Eternal or Living God - Revelation 4: 10-11 – Part-43
PSALMS 23:3, 25:11,
In days of pushed persecution can we without shame say Lord is indeed my Personal shepherd I am His sheep his only property - JOSHUA 24:15 - as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” brought with great price precious blood of Jesus denying scheming of the self-sufficient of our society. Like - GENESIS 14:21 which want to trade our soul for more stuff
When our confession should be I shall not want more than what my Lord provides - PSALMS 145:15-16
He makes me to lie down in green pastures like peter experience of - ACTS 12:12
Your rod comforts me and brings clarity like Aaron rod of - NUMBERS 17:8
You prepare a •meal like Barzillai providing for David while he was on run from Absalom - 2 SAMUEL 19:32
You •pour oil of blessing on my head - 1 SAMUEL 16:13
Surely your goodness and •love PSALM 27:13 David experienced we too can experience when we alone still with our savior - 2 SAMUEL 7:18

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