McGuff 1: RESISTANCE EXERCISE at HIGH INTENSITY…no muscle respite, aggressive load to timely fatigue

3 years ago
presents episode 303: Doug McGuff
with Wild Warrior Nutrition podcast

High intensity exercise: first principle...
-we are animals
-plants are autotrophs
~make their own food, their own energy
-animals are heterotrophs
~must go and acquire their food
~key attribute: movement
-without movement, we cannot
~eat food
~keep from becoming food

High intensity exercise: first principle...
-we are animals
-plants are autotrophs
~make their own food, their own energy
-animals are heterotrophs
~must go and acquire their food
~key attribute: movement
-without movement, we cannot
~eat food
~keep from becoming food

Our skeletal muscle is the defining organ or tissue...
-for our whole organism: it runs the show
-the extent to which we challenge skeletal muscle is
~the extent to which we make improvements
-if you make functional improvements in skeletal muscle
~all other functions in the body benefit

We want to aggressively recruit skeletal muscle...
-by doing work &
-fatigue it as much as possible
-in a time-efficient manner
-if you fatigue muscle to point it is dyskinetic (non functional)
-have hormetic effect or threat
-triggers an adaptive response from the body
-becomes stronger, including all of the
~metabolic & physiologic subsystems

To aggressively recruit muscles...
-under a continuous & uninterrupted load is to
~expose it to resistance
~an not allow the muscle to move that load :
quickly enough to use its own momentum
-if momentum is activated,
aggressive recruitment & fatigue is compromised

High intensity resistance exercise...
-use of resistance in a slow and smooth fashion
~so muscle never gets a respite
~the fatigue is aggressive and continuous
~and deep in a meaningful timeframe



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