200 Subscriber Celebration!

3 years ago

Please join me for a special live stream to celebrate reaching 200 subscribers!

I will be joined by my YouTube brothers in arms Darius MÃœnchausen (goddamn that umlaut is hard), Canadian Spider-Man and many other friends and possibly a few antagonists!

Darius: https://www.youtube.com/c/DariusM
Canadian Spider-Man: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsHXhVMZgsTERJf7GHMILQ

I will be talking about my experiences in this fellowship we call YouTube, and some of my favourite creators.

If time permits we'll also be talking about some of my favourite movies I've watched in 2021 (some may have been released earlier of course), my favourite books I've read, music I've listened to and more.

Let's also look forward to 2022 and some of the movies, TV, music and games I'm cautiously awaiting!

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