Tamara/slayindemons2 keep slayin: Are The Kardashians All Men? [25.03.2022]

2 years ago

I try to 'Connect the Dots' from the channels I follow - Things are Connected -
Trust No One - Question Everything, Also This Video and Do Your Own Research...
'Signs and Symbols Rule the World, not Words nor Laws.' - Confucius

'When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes og men' - Manly P, Hall

'For nothing is Secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and become to light' - Luke 8:17

There is NO such thing as a Coincidence!
'You can only kill me once. I will come back immortal' - Tamara
'You will notice the more awake you are, the less patience you have for opinions because you are operating on a different spiritual maturity.'
- Tamara

My Tamara videos, Showing 10 of 182 matches: https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=kim%20tamara&kind=video

Tamara: I left the music industry and Hollywood to stand for Jesus Christ and fight for Truth.
You can only kill me once. I will come back immortal.

Tamara Desiree Magdalene @HolySpiritGirl7 · 31. maj
I put Scripture in my videos for a reason. You are SUPPOSED to read it. And yet, most skip right over it and ask me questions that are IN the Scripture I posted. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to move on and start a website for ppl who are serious about Scripture.

WARNING: If you are too sensitive, this channel is not for you. I do not force my beliefs nor faith on anyone. However, this is my rock, not yours. If you find no value in my messages or take offense, nobody is making you stay here. Remember, you found me, not the other way around. If you can't come in peace, don't come at all. God bless.

Tamara Magdalene Lioness of THE Yeshua #2
Joined May 15, 2021 - 4.91K subscribers
https://twitter.com/HolySpiritGirl7 (dead?)

Created 7 months ago.
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slayindemons2 keep slayin - 753 subscribers

341 subscribers
Joined Mar 18, 2021
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Reptilian Shapeshifters & Demonic Entities 2nd Most Popular
895 videos 3,229 views Last updated on Dec 14, 2021

Make No Mistake!!!
I Will Not Compromise.
I Will Not Comply.
I Will Not Submit.
I Will Not Break.
I Will Not Roll Over.
I Will Not Sit Down.
I Will Not Shut Up.
I Will Not Go Quietly.
I Will Not Give Up.
I Will Not Surrender!
I Will Stand For Truth.
I Will Protect The Innocent.
I Will Defend My Family To The Death.
I Love Peace, But I Am A Fierce Enemy.
I Will Fight For Christ
I Will Die For Christ
I Live By A Special Code
I AM A SoulJa Of GOD!!
Whos With Me?

Reality is not what we were taught.
The real world is very different and here is a glimpse into the truth.

94 views Mar 25, 2022
slayindemons2 keep slayin
817 subscribers

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