
3 years ago

The Obama Deception: The Mask Comes Off better known simply as The Obama Deception is an American political documentary film written and directed by Alex Jones. The film was released on March 12, 2009 and distributed by Alex Jones Productions.
Essentially, the film argues the conspiracy theory that American presidents since the 1960s have allegedly served as "front men" for other institutions and people. It names people including the Rothschild family and Rockefeller family; entities such as the Federal Reserve, Wall Street banks, Bilderberg Group, Military-industrial complex and others as holding the real "power behind the throne." The documentary claims the main motive of these groups is to set up a New World Order where offshore banks engage in the looting of the wealth of the American people. The documentary primarily focuses on American president Barack Obama and his actions during his young presidency. However, it also discusses John F. Kennedy, George H. W. Bush, and the George W. Bush administration.

The film claims that Obama has been carefully installed by the New World Order, and that he is deliberately working against the best interests of the American people. It discusses how the New World Order utilizes Obama in an effort to con the American people into accepting their globalist agenda, which according to the film, would include items such as forced national service, warrantless wiretapping, FEMA camps, martial law, and a Bank of the World, which would dominate America through carbon taxes.
In July 2010, The Obama Deception was allegedly censored after a full-length version of the film was removed from the popular video-sharing website, YouTube. Alex Jones, the film's director, responded saying, "The Obama Deception was getting more and more popular, and the establishment doesn't like the fact that it exposes the Left-Right paradigm and identifies Obama as a puppet."

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