2 years ago

This lady has accepted and I am honored to have her on my show tomorrow night from 7 to whenever. Ohioans and for that matter all of America, do you want to hear a Woman of Strength and Conviction ... Then this is your opportunity Ohioans, this is your opportunity America. Tune In tomorrow night on this platform here on Facebook for the Live Feed Radio Broadcast with this Dynamic Lady of Courage and Conviction, with this Lady of Strength. Please pass the word and Share this out so many Ohioans, and Americans can join in.
The following is an excerpt from her webpage under the "About Jennifer" Tab:
"The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, Jennifer upholds the sanctity of human life and affirms that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. The Fourteenth Amendment protections apply to children before birth. Jennifer will always oppose the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations that do."
Speaks for itself doesn't it? This Lady Jennifer Gross will NOT Cower to Mob mentality, or The Right or The Left ... She does what is Righteous no matter what.
So join us here at www.facebook.com/livetruth911 or www.facebook.com/livetruthradio for the Live Feed Video Broadcast, but if you can only listen then you can join us at www.livetruthradio.com/audio.
Jennifer Gross's webpage is www.jenniferforrep.com ... Check it out!!!

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