Java App Re-Write: 6th Iteration Branch - GraveSite Class Addons & CSS Modification's Part 4 (Final)

3 years ago

January 7, 2022, The Second Stream of the Day!

So I messed up. Twitch Studio showed the music was being excluded but apparently, that wasn't the case.

During today's stream, finished the last portion of CSS modifications to cemeteryTags.html and cemeteryTag.html, as well as adding in the CSS to the main style.css for image modal that allows it to pop out when you click on an image. JavaScript & JQuery script links were added to every HTML template that required it and all images modal as intended.

This finishes up the 6th Iteration Branch of the Project and was successfully merged into the Master branch. The next iteration I will be visiting more CSS, and possibly some JavaScript which will be a doozy as I am not too familiar with JavaScript.

Plans for the 7th Iteration Branch include:
* Styling towards different viewpoints (ie: Mobile Devices to 4k Monitors)
* Changing between Light & Dark Mode
* (Optional) Create a new HTML template to implement a live search mode.

This is a simple beginner's app that I am working on and re-writing for educational purposes only.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

To see more interesting moments, or would like someone to game with then follow me over at

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