Crater Earth - Up is Down Prt2

2 years ago

While the world is being projected to go full surfing on yellow/blue shift we will gear up and follow the rabbit into the wormhole once more and explore the world of Up is Down. Within PRT2 we dive deeper into the green flash, watch how jack escapes the moon portal and we follow the Raven noose diving down into the crater.

Have we fallen into an archonbox or any kind of prison for our mind, the X cage? or can we say we are going rocket sky high into Space X?

Our world has a history full of violence, wars and duality, in which humans are forced and challenged to reach full potentials in almost impossible conditions, triggering the dark side of our consiousness in repeating circles of manifestations which lead to pressurizing peoples hearts and compassion to its maximum limit.

Are we following the serpents way into an alienated world or will we see through the deception and accept our world got infected long time ago, a new age is comming, a big reset they say, will we fight and protect our hearts torus field or will we succumb to the parasites forcefield and its New World Order? I say follow the heart, no fear and act in the name of love

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Movie clips:

Alice in Wonderland 2010
Fight Club 1995
Titans 2018 ( Netflix serie )
The Fifth Element 1997
Contact 1997
Expo Dubai 2020
12Monkeys 1995
Dead Mens Chest 2006
Superbowl 2022
At worlds End 2007
Fear and Loading 1995
Star Wars: Rogue One 2016
Yes Man 2008
Tomorrowland 2015
Beijing wintergames 2022


Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
Arcade Fire - The Lightning I & II
Nirvana - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

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