Christianity is a Jewish sect. Accept your roots!

2 years ago

Jesus started something that at the time would have been considered a cult due his teaching being unorthodox and being the charismatic leader that he was, however, it was considered a Jewish sect in the first century according to the book of Acts. It was referred to as the sect of the Nazarene Acts 24:5 spoken against everywhere in Acts 28:22.

But the bottom line is that the church has its roots in Jewish life and scriptures and yet some early believers of nefarious motives twisted Paul's teachings in Galatians and other places and eventually became hostile to the Jewish believers and the early Christians in Judea that followed sabbath keeping and other Jewish customs, not for salvation but because it was simply the culture that birthed this new faith. The bishop of Rome around 200 AD tried to change the day of the observe resurrection of Christ each year away from the Jewish calendar but all the other bishops refused but some 100 years later, after Constantine the Roman became a Christian this actually happened and created Easter to coincide with the fertility goddess celebration of almost the entire Greek/roman world at that time. Those that know the word, know that we are not to celebrate the LORD by pagan customs and this is abominable in His sight, yet we do it, every year. And this is the easiest of the pagan holidays to redeem, by simply by celebrating First Fruits which is what Jesus resurrection actually fell on.

Yeshua (Jesus) literally means salvation in Hebrew.
He is your ticket to freedom, peace and bypassing the judgment. Will you accept the simple gosple? This good news proclaims Jesus' death on the cross is payment in FULL for your sin, and his resurrection from the dead is proof of your justification. This is where faith comes in. If you can believe this simple message and ask God to forgive you of your sins, by faith in Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), you WILL be saved. Be sure to join a bible living church, read your bible and talk to your heavenly father every day and never trust in your goodness for your standing with God, but instead trust in His goodness, because he loved you and took your punishment for you so that you could go free as a good good father would do!

And NOW, the Glorious Gospel!
Yeshua (Jesus) literally means salvation in Hebrew.

He is your ticket to freedom, peace and bypassing the final judgment. Will you accept the simple good news gospel gift? This gospel proclaims Jesus' death on the cross is payment in FULL for the sin of those who believe in him and his resurrection from the dead. This is proof of your justification and confidence in His power. This is where faith comes in. If you can believe this simple message and declare by faith that Jesus is LORD, thereby yielding your life to his will and not your own, you WILL be saved. Romans 10:9-11 Be sure to join a bible living church, read your bible and talk to your heavenly father every day and never trust in your goodness for your standing with God, but instead trust in His goodness, because he loved you and took your punishment for you so that you could go free as a good good father would do! He gave ALL he could give so NOW, its up to you! What will you do?

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