Dinos & Humans VI, Part 30, The Complete Creation, 3rd edition

2 years ago

In this episode, we continue to examine the fossil human footprints beyond the Paluxy, Ian struggles with some Japanese names and we examine the debate over what appears to be the carcass of a plesiosaur-like creature.

Random References:

The VOD version of this series and the corresponding supplementals (such as the booklet and maps of the Park Ledge)

Creation Evidence Museum & McFall Research Center

"Footprints in Stone", Stan and Paul Taylor, 1972, 16mm film, Films for Christ Assn., Elmwood, Illinois

Texas Tracks and Artifacts: Do Texas Fossils Indicate Coexistence of Men and Dinosaurs?
Robert F. Helfinstine and Jerry D. Roth, R&J Publishers, Anoka, Minnesota
First edition 1994 , Revised edition 2007

Private correspondence with Professor Burroughs available in the Berea College archives:

Scientific American, vol. 162, p. 14, January 1940
The Carboniferous Mystery, by Albert G. Ingalls

THE JAPANESE CARCASS: A PLESIOSAUR-TYPE ANIMAL! A review of the evidence by Malcolm Bowden
Creation Science Movement pamphlet available from them Box 888, Portsmouth PO6 2YD

Salt-Water Nessie or Plesiosaurus, It's Back in the Briny
By John Saar, The Washington Post, July 21, 1977

Collected Papers on the Carcass of an Unidentified Animal trawled off New Zealand by the Zuyo-maru
Edited by T. Sasaki, La Société franco–japonaise d’océanographie, Tokyo, Japon, Juillet 1978

New Zuiyo Maru Cryptid Observations: Strong Indications It Was a Marine Tetrapod
John Goertzen, CRSQ Vol. 38, No. 1, June 2001, pp 19-29

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