Choose your social environment to pull you toward what you want

3 years ago

Like most people, you probably set some resolutions at the New Year. And like most people, maybe you've already fallen off the wagon...
Within 2 weeks, 29% of people who set a resolution are not sticking with it and by the end of the year, 91% have failed.
Yikes! Those are not great odds.
Today, I have a tip that will help increase your odd of being in the 9% that succeed.
Reaching goals doesn't have to be hard. It can be easier... AND it can also be FUN!
When you create your social environment to pull you toward what you want, you are taking one big step to setting yourself up for success.

In today's video, I share with you how to do this, along with an example that you can use to come up with your own plan.

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