🍀 Asking Bluebear to Cook Everything for Thanksgiving | Animal Crossing New Horizons

3 years ago

Akari called out: "Who will eat the scallop?"
"I will," said Pascal.
But Akari said, "No, you won't. I will."
And she did.

#animalcrossing #animalcrossingnewhorizons #どうぶつの森 #あつまれどうぶつの森 #thanksgiving #cooking

We Wara Animal Crossing New Horizons Full Episode Playlist Guide:
📷 • Animal Crossing: New Horizons  

Akari: サンクスギビングだ、やったー!英語版ではターキーデイらしいです。(なぜわざわざ変更を・・・?)本日の服装はあくまでカジュアルに決めてみました。ヘアカットも何か可愛いのがあるかも!と思い試してみましたが、なんかやばいのが来たので元に戻してもらいました。Jaegerの髪型(最早髪はないのですが)はなんか・・・悪くはないのですが、じわじわと不穏な気持ちになるんですよね、落ち着かないというか。かつらを被ってもらって一安心と思いきや、まさかドードーエアラインでメッセージカードを送ろうとした際の送り先に本来の姿があろうとは一体誰が想像したでしょうか。  フランクリンが島の新鮮な材料が欲しいというので集めていたのですが、住民の皆様は食べるだけ・・・食べるだけ。いやいいんです、別に手伝って欲しいとかそういうことは言ってないです、私は島の皆様の奴隷ですから。住人の皆様がこの島に存在していて同じ空気を吸えるだけで私は幸せなんです。それ以上のことなんて何も・・・。最推しのビンタ、以下ジャック、スピカ、アンデス、ボブ・・・みんなのために頑張るよ私は海に潜り畑に行き最高の食材を集めるよ!  Jaegerが聞かせてくれた物語、「The Little Red Hen(日本語では「ちいさなあかいめんどりとこむぎのたね」)」は衝撃的でしたね・・・。パンを作るのに助けを求めたものの誰も助けてくれず、完成したパンだけ食べたがったほかの動物に結局あげなかったという結末。聞き終わった後は謎の爽快感すらありましたから。こういうシンプルだけれども人生について教えている物語、もっと広まって欲しいですね。ラコスケには絶対にホタテを渡さない!!(でもやっぱりかわいそうなので後でもう一個獲ってあげました)  家の中でちゃんとコック服を着て料理してるグルミンが可愛すぎる・・・。

Game Info: Escape to a deserted island and create your own paradise as you explore, create, and customize in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons game. Your island getaway has a wealth of natural resources that can be used to craft everything from tools to creature comforts. You can hunt down insects at the crack of dawn, decorate your paradise throughout the day, or enjoy sunset on the beach while fishing in the ocean. The time of day and season match real life, so each day on your island is a chance to check in and find new surprises all year round. Show off your island utopia to family and friends—or pack your bags and visit theirs. Whether playing online or with others beside you, island living is even better when you can share it. Even without hopping on a flight, you’ll meet a cast of charming animal residents bursting with personality. Friendly faces like Tom Nook and Isabelle will lend their services and happily help you grow your budding community. Escape to your island getaway—however, whenever, and wherever you want.
• Build your community from scratch on a deserted island brimming with possibility• Create your personal getaway and customize your character, home, decorations, and even the landscape itself• Collect materials to construct everything from furniture to tools! Then, use what you create to give your island a personal touch
• Watch as the time of day and seasons match real life—even your hemisphere! Each day holds potential for surprises and discoveries
• Get to know the island residents, garden, fish, decorate, hunt for fossils, and more!
• Show off your paradise – play on the same system with a total of 4 people, or play together online or over local wireless for fun with up to 8 players

About Our Channel: We are an international married couple that enjoys gaming together. Jaeger was born and raised in the USA and Akari was born and raised in Japan. Both of us have played games throughout our lives and when we met each and started gaming together we had so much more fun together. Unfortunately we had so many great gaming moments together that it became difficult to remember them all. We began saving videos and screenshots as we played together but eventually our storage space started to fill up. So we moved to YouTube where there is plenty of storage and its safe from accidents. The channel name is We as in the English plural pronoun and 笑 read as "wara" for the Japanese kanji for laugh.

We Wara (笑)
@we_wara @we_wara_extras

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