For Shah The Bell Tolls

3 years ago

Recusant Nine Transmission | Sunday | 2109hrs | 13:03:2022

With Council corruption and the cover up of CSE now proven, a handful of brave townsfolk prepare to march on an out of control Oldham Council and demand the removal of AROOJ SHAH and the arrest of members of her Labour Party run Council.

As with previous demonstrations, the protesters are likely to be sparse in number and frail in strength, out muscled and out numbered by the private security guards hired by the Council to intimidate those that dare stand against them. Sadly, the sons and daughters of a once proud town are yet to find their courage and join the ranks of the elders that have already sacrificed so much fighting for their futures.

I ask you;
- What sort of town do we want to leave behind to our children?
- What sort of town do we want their children to call their own?

Wednesday's Full Council meeting will be the last before May's election. It will either herald the end of AROOJ SHAH's malice and mobster endorsed reign as leader of our town, or it will mark the beginning of a new empire. An empire where the tyranny of what has taken place before risks paling into insignificance compared to what will come next.

You've all seen what has happened this year. You've all witnessed what happens to those that dare oppose SHAH and her Labour Party run Council. If our rallying call ever meant anything. Now, more than ever. And if not now, then we risk it being never.

Do Not Fear Them. Do Not Fear Any Of Them.


For the last 3 years, I have exposed Council corruption and the cover up of the grooming and gang rape of children of Oldham. Despite being branded a racist, I have provided a voice to the betrayed, demonised and oppressed working class communities of my home town, and used my skills and expertise to help hold powerful politicians and public officials to account for their actions.

The consequence of my work has resulted in the endorsement of my murder by the leader of Oldham Council, Cllr AROOJ SHAH. The Oldham MPs JIM McMAHON & DEBBIE ABRAHAMS have attempted to frame me for crimes I did not commit and even police officers from a proven corrupt and paedophile protecting in accelerated Special Measures Greater Manchester Police have arrested me in a desperate attempt to silence me.

If you find what I share of value, and if you are able to, please consider supporting my work by buying a coffee, contributing via PayPal or subscribing to the website.

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