Matthew 5 (part 3)

2 years ago

March 25, 2022 study of chapter 5 of Matthew
Please join us as we continue in studies our the book of Matthew. This week we explore Matthew chapter 5 (part 3 of a 3 part study)
In part 3 we look at more of the elevated aspects of the Law of the Kingdom - higher standards, not hating in our hearts and not looking lustfully and did Jesus really mean to pluck out our eye and cut off our hand if we do? Also what about Jesus forbidding to take oaths? Doesn’t this contradict or “do away” with that part of the Law - we will look into the Shem Tov Hebrew version of Matthew for an interesting answer.

We have a discussion afterwards about how not to “crucify Christ again and put Him to an open shame and my brother shares an inspiring story.

Watch all the way to the end to enjoy the Blessing of Aaron and the fellowship of Holy Communion.

If anyone is interested in joining the discussion with our group live on Friday night’s via zoom, feel free to leave me a way to contact you in the comments and I will provide you with a link.

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