Trump: It would have been TREASON, right up until the DEATH penalty

2 years ago

Donald J. Trump: "When I made that statement, everyone thought, oh my God, what a horrible thing to say. I said, Obama spied in my campaign and the Democrats and all hell broke loose, if you remember. In fact, I put it out and I never seen I don't think I've ever seen a reaction, which usually means they're guilty. In other words, normally if they didn't do it, it wouldn't have that kind of. But they spied on my campaign. If this ever happened the opposite way, if I spied on Obama's campaign or on Hillary Clinton's campaign, it would have been treason. It would've been everything right up until the death penalty.
And that may have been included, too, but it would have been over. It would have been the biggest thing ever. But it didn't work that way. So we caught them and we caught them cold."

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