How The Democratic Party Used A Black Man To Get Us To Help Whiten Hispanics/Latinos

3 years ago

READ: My latest essay on how the Democratic Party used Black people to help Whiten Hispanics to help them create the Minority European by 2040.

OVERSTAND: The immigration laws in their own words, not interpreted words by White Supremacist politicians or their allies:,imprisoned%20not%20more%20than%202%20years%2C%20or%20both.

CHECK OUT: The Congressional Hispanic Caucus. There is no POC or Black and Brown anywhere people. Ya'll need to get on code.

READ: Hispanic Caucus Lawmaker Won't Meet With VP Harris' Black aide

VIEW: Immigration stats to see how Hispanic/Latinos are the biggest group of illegal entrants entering into the United States or staying past their work visas.

SEE: Jamal Simmons' apology tour tweet.

We have no friends. Act like it. Learn to like/love Black people who understand the situation we are in collectively and advocate for interests that work to protect and preserve African American Black people exclusively when possible.
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