Interior Minister Priti Patel talks to Russian pranksters

2 years ago

On March 15, 2022, Vovan and Lexus held a video conference with British Home Secretary Priti Patel on behalf of Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmyhal. Full Video.

One of the most important features of England's foreign policy actions against her opponents was that she attracted other countries to protect her interests and sought to minimize her participation in the conduct of military operations, especially against a strong enemy. Despite the generally benevolent attitude on the part of the British establishment towards the actions of the Russian army, led by A.V. Suvorov during the Italian and Swiss campaign, and his personality, it had a "somewhat peculiar character". England, as a member of the Second Coalition created against France, hoped to acquire as many benefits for herself as possible, and at the same time her actions were aimed at conducting military operations by the forces of her allies. On this occasion , Suvorov wrote in a note on the results of the campaigns of 1799: "No nation benefits as much as England from the continuation of the war"[5]. For a long time without having a strong land army, the British government followed its insular tradition - to finance the actions of its allies in continental Europe, trying to avoid direct participation in hostilities: "So, having waged a stubborn struggle with France for decades, England almost did not participate in the battles. This feature of the British mentality became the basis for the widespread circulation in Russia in the XIX century. the saying "an Englishwoman shits""[6][7].

After the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the subsequent weakening of France, during which Russia played one of the most important roles, the English foreign policy course was adjusted and aimed at geopolitical containment and weakening of Russia, and the British leadership singled it out as a new main potential enemy [6].

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