Who Is Behind The "Smart" Gun?

3 years ago

We've all seen the mainstream media reports of so-called "smart guns" making their way to the United States with their promise of enhanced firearm safety or efficiency. But, when we take a closer look, the problems with "smart guns" make it obvious that this is another scheme from the gun-grabbers to restrict our rights.

To prove our point, look at who is really behind the new "smart gun" push -- the anti-gunners. The same people who are promoting "smart gun" mandates are the ones advocating for more gun control measures and restrictions. They are not 2A advocates and they are certainly not helping defend your God-given rights.

In this episode of Minute Man Moment, Phil exposes the anti-gun Left's lies about "smart guns," and explains why they are actually a dumb idea. Imagine your "smart gun" fingerprint scanner malfunctions or your battery dies in the middle of an emergency. What if your firearm-trained child is home alone with an intruder? Do you really want to be forced to rely on a failure-prone "smart gun" while criminals continue to use traditional firearms?

Keep watching for the full story.


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