Freedom Convoy 2022 Brandon, MB, Canada End of the convoy video 3 of 3

3 years ago

This video is of Freedom Convoy 2022 on January 25, 2022 in Brandon MB, Canada. It was shot 1/2 km west of the Brandon welcome sign on hwy 1 facing west from the median. The film started at 11:14am local time. last 26 minutes of the convoy. Sorry for background chatter video is unedited. Weather was windy and cold, dam cold aka below -30C. I my wife and eight children drove from Winnipegosis 2 1/2 hours north of Brandon to offer our thanks for what these drivers are doing for all of us. This is video 3 of 3 filmed at Brandon. Camera batteries only last so long when its that cold, and due to haveing to return to my vehicle to change batteries I missed filming for awhile in the middle of the Convoy. Convoy rolled in at 11:50 am and kept coming till 12:54.

Also If you are offended by anything in this video you either drive a Ford or are a person I enjoy pissing off. Have a great day unless you would rather cry yourself to sleep in a dark closet, If so do that, but be informed your fancy socks go on your feet not stuffed in your pants on stage after having cleaned a chimney.

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