What's GOING ON? Dwarf Actors FIGHT BACK | Biden Moments | Anti-Work | NYPD | Viral Videos | Culture

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What's GOING ON? Dwarf Actors FIGHT BACK | Biden Moments | Anti-Work | NYPD | Viral Videos | Culture
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EXCLUSIVE: 'Peter Dinklage just put seven of us out of a job!' Dwarf actors' fury at Disney for canceling seven dwarves from Snow White remake because the woke multimillionaire Game of Thrones star said they were offensive
Dwarf actors Dylan Postl, Jeff Brooks and Katrina Kemp told DailyMail.com it was the wrong move for Disney to cancel the roles of the seven dwarves in its Snow White remake
The movie studio said it was 'rethinking' them after Peter Dinklage called the story and roles 'backwards'
Dinklage made $1.2million per episode of Game of Thrones - some actors are calling him 'selfish' for his comments on the Snow White movie
Postl was the leprechaun on WWE for 10 years and was in The Muppets - said he is begging Disney for the role
'Peter Dinklage may be the biggest dwarf actor of all time but it doesn't make him King Dwarf', Postl said
Kemp, who was in GLOW on Netflix, said the issue is far more complex than Disney is allowing it to be
She said writing characters out of the remake entirely does more damage than casting anyone in them
Jeff Brooks, 62, said he has never been offended by the story throughout his 30-year career as an actor - Daily Mail

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