The Reason Black Folks Are Seeing So Many Interracial Relationship Ads On TV With White People

3 years ago

African Americans have all been wondering why we're being bombarded with interracial relationships on television, on social media, and everywhere. Some say it's a reflection of the times. I say it's something much more sinister. The fact Voice of America, the federal government's publicly funded propaganda outlet is discussing it is a huge deal. Check out my latest video on why we're seeing so many interracial couples on television. (Sorry about the sound quality, I forgot to switch mics today). Social engineering is in full effect. If you don't reinforce your family's values at home, the dominant society will engineer your family's values for you.

READ: "Americans See More Interracial Relationships in Advertising" by Deborah Brock of Voice of America (VOA)

READ: "The Voices of America In International Radio Propaganda" by Ralph A. Uttaro. Check out the background and purpose of VOA.

READ: "Who’s Behind The Race Mixing Agenda in Advertising?" (Note, immediately after I posted this the site went down, not sure why but the study used in the video came from the site below)

REVIEW: 2021 United States Interracial Marriage Data (U.S. Census)

Watch: What Is Bedroom Colonialism by Real Talk w/ ZSJ

Understand what you're seeing and the reason why. Black people need to express their love for each other and their culture and work to we need to decolonize our lives. Embrace your culture, teach your culture, learn about your culture, and learn to see the propaganda in all things. White Supremacy doesn't take a day off. Black families need to reinforce their culture(s) in your children. If you don't teach your children to love their Blackness and their cultures, they'll hate it and won't value it. There is nothing innocent about advertisements. The government has an agenda to Whiten the world by erasing Black people. No Black person is exempt.
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