Gorilla Report: The US is one step closer to becoming Venezuela with stimulus checks

2 years ago

The US is becoming Venezuela. Right before Venezuelan inflation destroyed the economy politicians promised stimulus checks to help their people combat inflation. The rest is history.

Joe Biden is like a third world dictatorship with an inflation problem. He will promise solutions and never deliver an answer. Joe plans to use price controls and stimulus just like Venezuela did. In the end prices will skyrocket. The more the government helps the worse things will get. Joe is not your friend. Joe’s stimulus checks are destroying the US because to many dollars are chasing goods and services. If we don’t stop Joe a Biden then like Venezuela we will have 1,000,000% inflation.

Hyperinflation in Venezuela is the currency instability in Venezuela that began in 2016 during the country's ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis. Inflation rates became the highest in the world in 2014 under Nicolas Maduro, and continued to increase in the following years, with inflation exceeding 1,000,000% by 2018. In comparison to previous hyperinflationary episodes, the ongoing hyperinflation crisis is more severe than those of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Peru in the 1980s and 1990s, and that of Zimbabwe in the late-2000s. If we let politicians handle the inflation then the US is doomed

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