20 Best Toilet Humor POO Jokes That Don't STINK!

2 years ago

#toilethumor #toilethumour #jokes

1. I got in touch with my inner self today, it’s the last time I use 1 ply toilet roll.

2. What does Star Trek and Toilet Paper have in common?
Both fly around Uranus and wipe out Klingons.

3. Why did Tigger stick his head in the toilet?
To look for Pooh!

4. Why did the man bring toilet paper to the party?
He’s a party pooper.

5. What did the bottle of conditioner do to the toilet?

6. Love is like a fart.
If you have to force it, it’s probably crap.

7. Where do bees go to the bathroom?
The BP station.

8. When is the best time to go to the toilet?

9. Why didn’t the toilet paper cross the road?
It got stuck in a crack.

10. What do you call a magical poop?

11. What’s the best snack to eat while watching a movie that stinks?

12. What did Spock find in the Enterprise toilet?
The Captain’s Log.

13. Poop jokes aren’t my favorite.
But they’re a solid number two.

14. What’s big, brown, and behind the wall?
Humpty’s dump.

15. What did one fly say to the other?
Is this stool taken?

16. What do you get when you poop in your overalls?

17. What do you call it when a janitor is fired for refusing to unclog the restroom toilets?
Dereliction of doodie.

18. I like toilets for two reasons.
Number one and number two.

19. What do you call a planet that poops?

20. Why did the baker have smelly hands?
He kneaded a poo.

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