"I am a Christian, but I still sin." That means You know the truth, and the Truth lives in You.

3 years ago

You will learn why God had John write these amazing scriptures. They will give you hope because you will discover that the closer you get to the Lord the more you see what a sinner you are. It is like a camp fire, if you look toward it you can see what you look like, but if you turn away, you only see the stains on others and not your own.

You will see what 1st John is about and You will grow in your knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ.

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John wrote by the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit, and he pointed out that if you say you have no sin, then you are a liar and the Truth is not in you. Also, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

So, Jesus knows that You and I cannot be sinless, but that we can be forgiven and cleansed continuously. Part of being filled with the Holy Spirit is that He will convict you of sin, He shines His light on your sins so that you will see it and acknowledge it. To confess is to agree with the Father that what you did was sin, and then Jesus is faithful and just wash you clean by His blood.

You will learn to use the Bible to Understand the Bible. You will gain the valuable knowledge of typology and how it works to deepen your understanding of Jesus Christ. You will also see the heart of Jesus and how he is the King of Israel, and how Jesus loves Israel.

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