Azure Standard Grocery Haul | Large Family Style

3 years ago

Join us while we unbox our $1,170 Azure Standard order!


You can check out Azure Standard here if you are not already a customer:

(affiliate link - we receive a small reward at no additional cost to you - thank you for supporting our family!)


This order includes raw dairy (cheese, butter, sour cream), ginger juice, laundry detergent, bulk seasonings, salsa, chocolate chips, avocado oil, olive oil, peanuts wild deer feed, and lots of fresh produce!

Along with a few other items, we also have some crushed books. 😂

Our cabbage and sweet potatoes were not in the greatest shape this month, but Azure was generous to refund us for the spoiled items - as they always have in the past! #greatcustomerservice



💙The Comstock Clan


We share ways that we are learning to follow God, live intentionally, and do life together in order to build a culture of faith, family, fun, and freedom.


Along with Christy’s parents who live with us, we have 7 kids ages 13 and under, we homeschool, do our best to live a healthy lifestyle, and we love the outdoors, adventure, and learning new things.


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Check out Azure Standard:

(affiliate link - we receive a small reward at no additional cost to you - thank you for supporting our family!)

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