Quick Exchanges: Tricky Pattern Recognition |Phase 1| Ground Zero Airborne

2 years ago

Brief overview
I did not address various forms of mental illness psychopathy emotional disturbances psychosis bubbles as it pertains to these “quick exchanges” . Or how variations overall can manifest within these “quick exchanges” here regardless if they’re quick or slow. Slow would mean elongated over a period of time like political correctness of workplace environments amongst coworkers and other miscellaneous variance. For example how a sister in a particular way , unique to her character traits , her personality traits , her genetic predisposition would choose to handle the massive inferiority complexities of the opposite sex . And or her own as it pertains to domestic abuse domestic violence . “If I catch you acting like Jesus one more
time !!! I’m gonna beat you !!! Or “Do it again . “Love your neighbor again I will choke you …”As well as I did not address hallucinations ,various forms of paranoia as they will manifest within these “quick exchanges” .Delusional grandeur ,assuming the female brain does not understand probability wise majority of her mutual attractions will be one-sided . Not excluding an ability that is presumed in the females ability to distinguish and properly determine her self-awareness , self understanding ,critical thought, introvert analysis of the fact a vagina is not the end all . Its barely the tip of the iceberg of requirements for one to be attracted to her if Odds of probability every individual whether playing his cards from the dark side or from the light side . (which are casino dice terms) engaging her or exchanging with her , his Galatians 5:22 . Or the polar opposite . what are the odds of probability ??? An individual would approach her on that interpersonal level ???
If attractions are not majority one-sided???
And press her for a phone number ,how many times out of 10 when a Galatians 5:22 is displayed , that action is taken any further in the pursuit of something else ???one out of 10?,two out of 10 ?,three out of 10 ?,four out of 10 ?etc. including the variance of whether the individual she exchanges with is happily married ,happily divorced ,happily a sexual predator or womanizer gladly displaying semi soft forms of his psychopathy as a badge of honor under false narratives or counterfeit Narratives he’s formed covenant in his heart from radio TV screen big screen Magazine computer screen or some other device or application of Satan’s kingdom or the fact that he may be homosexual undercover homosexual not interested in a relationship just got engaged etc.
Again if “mutual” attraction(s) are not majority one sided . Speaking to manifestations of severe forms of paranoia and Or hallucinations, the shadows of mental illness. That indeed in her mind or in the back of her mind. In her opinion or from her subjective, EVERYTHING wants to sleep with her. Annually , not once upon a time but annually does not have the hand history to back this bogus ,mathematically stupid claim . I could continue to deconstruct the hand further but won’t because the idea is the LOVE OF CHRIST. Shalom
John 14:6
1 john 1:9
John 3:17
Psalms 82:5

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