Elon Musk & NASA's Terrifying New Discovery On Mars Changes Everything!

2 years ago

NASA is leading the charge in providing us with compelling information about the
Red planet. For several reasons, there are many more causes pushing mankind
closer to the edge when it comes to going to Mars. Every fascinating thing you have
watched about mars are pretty fictional, and it would be correct to say that there
hasn't been any confirmed evidence about Mars. However, NASA makes a pretty
exciting discovery.
In this video, we will be considering the latest discovery of NASA on the Red planet
and what it could mean for the human race.
No man has ever been to Mars, but we have been able to draw data from the
Martian atmosphere via a handy piece of mobile technology known as the Mars
Rover. Not limited to one or more Mars rovers have been launched to Mars and used
to do some reconnaissance as the man tried to find its way around the perceptively
uninhabitable atmosphere of Mars. With several expeditions by several NASA-
funded Mars rovers, which started in 2001 with the first rover named Mars Odyssey.
Over the years, there have been several rover expeditions, and several findings
have led to more scholarly research into just what Mars holds in stock for mankind.
Is it inhabitable? Can it support plant life and, ultimately, human life?
Mars is seen as the most inhabitable planet outside Earth for mankind, primarily due
to its proximity to Earth. Its atmosphere seemed to possess a similar composition as
the Earth's atmosphere. While that is true, it still doesn't guarantee the ability of
man to survive with the atmospheric pressure and the abundance of other gases
that mankind may or may not have been exposed to before.
It is understood that for mankind to even stand of chance of surviving in Mars
Climate, the temperature and oxygen levels have to write. Taking a cue from Elon
Musk's past statement, he acknowledges that the temperature of Mars may be
inconducive given that it seems a bit colder than Earth, and it might require some
warming up to even make the planet in the slightest bit as conducive as the Earth's
atmospheric conditions.
Although Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are working along with other Space-related
initiatives to propel mankind to the next phase in space exploration and a man
attempts to colonize Mars, a buck of the work falls on NASA to find out the
necessary information about Mars. The Mars rovers have been immensely helpful in
discerning so many known facts about the planet, such as its red color and the
nature of its soil, and in a way, see if it can hold water and sustain human life for as
long as it might take.

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