Pet City at Colonie Center Mall - January 30, 2022

3 years ago

I was working at Colonie Center Mall on Sunday, January 30, 2022 servicing my vending machines and I had just finished up collecting from the photo booth down by the Barnes and Noble and Macy's when I started hearing this weird noise coming from the other end of the mall by the Macy's. So, I started walking down towards Macy's to investigate what was causing all the noise. I know from working at this mall for several years now that there is a pet store down at that end of the mall just off to the side of the entrance to Macy's, so I figured that had to be from where the noise was coming.

Now, as I mentioned, I have been working in Colonie Center Mall for years, often late at night after the mall and all of the stores are officially closed. In all my years of working there, I NEVER recall hearing noises like these coming from the pet store there at the mall. I'm assuming that this pet store routinely has puppies for sale there, but I have never heard any puppies yelping and whining like this before whenever I have been working in the mall. So, I'm thinking something had to be wrong for these puppies to be yelping, whimpering, and carrying on like this.

It looks to me like someone left a bowl of dog food on top of the "puppy aquarium" where these two puppies were being kept. Did an employee forget to feed these two puppies before they closed the store and left for the day? Were the puppies crying and yelping for attention because they were hungry? I'm not sure what happened that evening, but it certainly looked to me like these puppies were distraught over something. After filming this, I talked to one of the security guards in the mall about it, but it seemed like there wasn't really anything he could do about it. I'm guessing the security guards don't have keys to access the gates for the individual stores? The guard just kind of shrugged it off and said whoever opens the pet store on Monday morning will have to deal with it.

What do you think happened? What would you have done if you were in this situation? Let me know in the comments below!

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