German Hidden Underground Base UFO DEBUNK | Volume 2

3 years ago

Part 1

A new video takes a look at the conspiracy of “Die Glocke,” a purported Nazi Germany UFO/time machine hybrid.
According to legend, Die Glocke was one of the “wonder weapons” that German dictator Adolf Hitler developed in hopes to reverse the tide of World War II.
While any actual proof of Die Glocke is spotty at best, UFO enthusiasts have tried to link the machine to a mysterious crash in the 1960s in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.
Near the closing hours of world war two, the nazis
started to experiment with more... unconventional
aircraft designs. And technologies that some would
consider, unnatural.

With the ability to fly in any direction at the moment's
notice, invisible to radar, and the ability to launch guided
missiles, this new flying saucer would have changed the
the tide of war.

The question remains, Did the Nazi's ever built a UFO and
what happened to the project'?

German Hidden Underground Base UFO
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