How To Know If A Candidate Is A 2A Warrior Or A Grifter

3 years ago

Gun owners need to take the passion and wisdom they have on the range to the ballot box. In this episode of Minute Man Moment, Phil talks about what to look for in candidates to ensure that you're voting for real Second Amendment warriors. In the past, notorious gun-grabbers like Beto O'Rourke or David Chipman have used their own gun ownership as a cover up their anti-gun positions.

Owning a gun is not enough to demonstrate that a candidate will stand up for your Second Amendment rights. They need to answer the tough questions. Do they support Constitutional Carry? Do they support a no-compromise approach to the Second Amendment? Are they endorsed by GOA? These questions are especially important in upcoming primary elections, and, without your help, we may risk putting more anti-gun politicians in state legislatures or in Congress.

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