Those who got the vaccines will suffer God wrath and will be thrown into the lake of fire

2 years ago

Then I saw a third angel and he yelled woe unto everyone who worships the antichrist and got his image for they shall suffer the wrath of the Lamb about to be poured out and they will get painful boils on themselves and will be tormented with burning brimstone and sulfur in the presence of the Lamb and His angels and they shall be tormented forever and ever and their torment shall never end, the vaccine is the mark of the beast and those who get it are cut off from God forever and He will never forgive anyone who worships the antichrist and got his image!! The vaccine changes your DNA and you belong to Satan and there is no refund at all!! The antichrist knows who got the vaccine and will put the microchip in everyone who got it and will control them!! Jesus will be cleaning house in the tribulation period and everyone who worships the antichrist and got his image will suffer the 7 Bowl judgements that will be poured out on everyone who worships the antichrist and got his image and they will be thrown into the lake of fire!! God will never allow demonic vaccine antichrist followers into His kingdom at all He will not, He kicked Satan out of heaven and same with Adam and eve and those who get the vaccine are banned from heaven forever!!! Do not get the vaccine it is the mark of the beast and there is no second chance when you get it!! You are done and you are without protection so demons can control everyone who got the vaccines and they do!! You remove guards from a castle the enemy can attack and take over same with getting the vaccine demons come into everyone who gets the vaccine and owns them and there is nothing you can do about it!!! It is not a game anymore

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