MACHINERY OF THE GODS Science Behind the lost of the ark of the covenant and the Great Pyramid

3 years ago

Did the Great Pyramid's Sarcophagus Hold the Ark of the Covenant?
In this video, I discuss the events around the discovery of the upper chambers of the pyramid by Caliph Al-Ma'mun in the 9th century,, which when looked at logically, may prove that the #GreatPyramid wasn’t actually empty on its discovery. It may have in fact contained the #Ark of the Covenant and the Holy of Holies was actually the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid in #AncientEgypt.

Images are taken from Google Images for educational purposes only.

According to the Bible, The Ark of the Covenant was a box that housed the two tablets of stone inscribed with the Ten Commandments. It was constructed by a man called Belazeel on Mount Sinai in Ancient Egypt to the instructions given to Moses by God. An object of immense power - capable of laying waste armies, of killing those who dared touch it in a flash of sparks, and guaranteed victory to those who carried it before them into battle. Over the centuries it has remained an object of great mystery, inspiring books, feature films, and infinite questions. But can modern science shed new light on what the Ark really was? This compelling and controversial film aims to shed new light on the Ark of the Covenant and perhaps finally unravel the truth behind one of the greatest biblical mysteries of all.


history channel shows
history shows
history channel
ark of the covenant
ancient aliens
ancient aliens clips
ancient ufo video
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