World At WAR with Dean Ryan 'The War Against Putin'

2 years ago

World At WAR with Dean Ryan 'The War Against Putin'
featuring Lisa Duthie - Matthew Short and Kristen Meghan
Monday Feb 28th 2022

Tonight Dean Ryan and the RDM Cast will dive into the deep ranges of the Ukraine/Russian debacle as the American media propagates their long awaited World War 3 on the bogged down population who now suffer from the covid hangover.

Is Nuclear War around the corner? RDM War-Gaming Expert Matthew Short joins us for those topics and more.

Also the return of Chernobyl, why is Putin there and was that nuclear event what they said it was?
Producer Lisa Duthie joins us for an in depth look at Chernobyl along with RDM Host Kristen Meghan.

All this and more on the most effective show surviving the Plandemic... World At WAR


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