Healing the Core Wound of the Heart | Heartstream 02-03-2022

3 years ago

#guidedmeditation #heartcoherence #globalcoherence #spirituality

In this week's broadcast, I spoke about how to heal the core wound of the heart. Notice I say, 'the core wound' and not 'the wounds'. That's because the core wound we all share is essentially one. During the second part of the broadcast, I'll guide a process to help energize and strengthen your heart chakra through the vibration of compassion.

Resources I mentioned during the broadcast:

The Path to Soulmate Love - Audio Program & Ebook
Learn more: https://www.gabrielgonsalves.com/soulmate

The Opening the Heart Weekend Retreat - March 19-20
Learn more: https://www.gabrielgonsalves.com/events/opening-the-heart

The Heart Warrior Training - Starts March 33
Learn more: https://www.gabrielgonsalves.com/heart-warrior


If you find my guided meditations, talks, healing circles, and free offerings useful and would like to express your appreciation by making a donation in support of this work, please use the following link: https://www.gabrielgonsalves.com/donate

A percentage of the proceeds goes to PATCH, a South African-based organization dedicated to bringing hope and healing to children who have been sexually abused.

Song: 'Where the Heart Is' by Reuben Halsey. Used with permission of the author.
Visuals: Screenflow Stock Media Library. Purchased license.

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