It Should Have Not Been There

3 years ago

It should have not been there.
How old is the universe? How much mass does the universe have? Do you think you know everything about the universe? If yes, then stay with us till the end of part one of this video, and we are sure you'll change your ideas about the universe.
Let us start with some heavenly bodies that are out of the ordinary, and once you know about them, you can't hold yourself by saying, "it should've not been there." Let us start now.

The Red Rectangle Nebula:
The Red Rectangle Nebula was first observed in 1973 during the AFCRL infrared sky survey. Since then, the nebula has surprised astronomers for decades. It got its name because of its red color and peculiar rectangular shape.
The nebula is located in the constellation of Monoceros around 2300 light-years away from Earth. It has a pair of dead stars in its center, giving it a red glow. From Earth, we see it from the perspective which shows us it like an "X" shape. We hope that we will come to know more about the red rectangular nebula and the secrets it is holding in the coming time.

The Planet Nine:
Planet 9 is a hypothetical planet whose existence may or may not be a reality. The hypothetical planet's existence is proposed on its gravitational influence on some heavenly objects around the orbit of Neptune. Planet 9 could be a large icy or gaseous planet in our solar system. The efforts made to locate the planet have ended up as futile till now.
However, Astronomer Mike Brown has estimated that within two years they will find conclusive proof for the presence of planet 9. Its absence in our neighborhood is because it rotates around the sun once in 7400 years.
Mike Brown's theory has been accepted for publication in an "Astronomical Journal" and it will be published soon.
If found, planet nine would be an incredible discovery. It will open new fields of research on how planets have come into being.

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