2 years ago


Autism isn't a damaged mind; it's an evolved mind that in extreme cases has overshot itself in the first evolutionary shift, but we will see this come into balance in the future.

Human consciousness is shifting. Autism is a multidimensional mind; a quantum consciousness where the walls (limitations of perception) in the brain fall to reveal non-linear thinking. We are experiencing a spontaneous evolution (this is the nature of evolution), where kids have activated quantum DNA. An autistic mind connects to music, art, and love (multidimensional processes and experiences). There will be a balance reached between linear and non-linear thinking, in future generations, so that kids can function more easily/effectively in both worlds.

Make no mistake, humanity is coming into telepathy. It's a new paradigm. We will use plasma lenses to see multidimensional energy; which is the energy and frequency behind the physical cell, including the multidimensional, geometric light-patterning of energy that is produced when we experience love, hate, judgement, fear, integrity and corruption. Lying will not work where we are going, nor will it be of any interest. Hierarchy will fall and unity will become a way of life. This evolution of awareness and perception solves the unsolvable problems that kept humanity in the dark ages of ignorance, fear and survival/animal instinct.

Autism is a multidimensional mind living in a linear world. Science will figure out how to open and shut the various synapses to create the kind of a human being/mind that is more balanced, to operate in both frequencies of awareness. There is no going back to a more unenlightened state.

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