10. Wheel of Fortune (Kaph Palm) Jupiter

2 years ago

TRUMP card / Major Arcana: 10 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE (X Mark the Spot)
Hebrew Letter: KAPH (PALM OF HAND) - Palm Reading - Fortune telling - Luck
Hebrew Value: 20

Positive Attributes: change, cycles, fate, decisive moments, luck, fortune, unexpected events.

Negative Attributes: bad luck, lack of control, clinging to control, unwelcome changes, delays.

The Thoth Tarot-Key 10- FORTUNE and The Night Sun Tarot-Key 10 - The Wheel of Fortune, are called the Path of Caph or Kaph (meaning: Fist) and runs from Chesed (Mercy) to Netzach (Victory) on the Tree of Life. This path is on the side of the Tree of Life called The Pillar of Mercy, and connects the Personality to the Higher Self (all Sephiroth above Tiphareth are in the Higher Self).

The Wheel of Fortune is numbered Ten (X) and is usually shown as a great wheel. Sometimes Fortuna is seen, turning the wheel for all eternity. There are people or animals on the Wheel - some are falling off to be crushed, some are struggling to stay on, while a solitary figure makes no attempt to maintain its position but succeeds anyway.

Fortune is not the same as pure luck. We make our own luck and follow our own destiny. Good fortune comes from the still centre which contains the very heart of ourselves. The seasons will continue to wheel, the sun will rise and set, the planets will move in their allotted courses - with or without us.

If we struggle against the flow of life, we become those struggling to ascend the Wheel, or even one of those crushed beneath it. However, if we realise our own power to create a beneficial future and then trust in that vision, we shall become the still figure, master of our own universe.

The Wheel of Fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that life is made up of both good and bad times, and that the cycle is one that we cannot control. It is something that is subjected to both kings and workers, and that nobody on earth can avoid what is fated. When you have good moments in your life, make sure that you enjoy to the fullest, for what comes up must always go down. The same is true in reverse - when you are in a bad situation, things will eventually become better again.

In certain decks, The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most highly symbolic cards in the deck, filled with signs that each have its own meaning. At the center of the card, lies a giant wheel, covered in esoteric symbols. There are different creatures that surround the wheel; the angel, the eagle, the bull and the lion. They are related to four fixed signs in the zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.

The books that each of the creatures hold represents the Torah which communicates wisdom and self-understanding. The snake indicates the act of descending into material world. On the wheel itself, rides a sphinx that sits at the top, and what appears to be either a devil, or Anubis himself arising at the bottom. These two Egyptian figures are representative of both the wisdom of the gods and kings (in the case of the sphinx) and the underworld (Anubis).

The Tarot Experience is a Project linking Organic and Electronic Music with the Tarot Cards Energies. Iv'e created Image Videos to play along with my Music to connect dots within the wonderful World of Astro-Theology and Syncretism "The Holy Sciences". I have created the full Tarot Deck, 78 Videos/Songs, to help connect dots from the Stars to your Body to the way certain energies may manifests.

The first four albums each contains 14 Songs "1 song per Card for it's respective Suit". This project has four albums:

Ace of Cups: Emotional Body: Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Ace of Swords: Mental Body: Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Ace of Disks: Physical Body: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Ace of Wands: Spiritual Body: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Ace of Swords is more of a Trance Electro House Trip-Hop Techno.
Ace of Cups is an Electro-Guitar "No Distortion" type of Groove.
Ace of Disks is an Electro-Lounge
Ace of Wands is what I call Techno-Rock where I have some Rock Distortion intertwined with Electronic music.

I also have 2 Albums that consists of the Trump Cards (Major Arcana)
Trumps (Vol. I):
0 The Fool (Air)
1 The Magus (Mercury)
2 The High Priestess (Moon)
3 The Empress (Venus)
4 The Emperor (Aries)
5 The Hierophant (Taurus)
6 The Lovers (Gemini)
7 The Chariot (Cancer)
8 Strength (Leo)
9 The Hermit (Virgo)
10 Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

Trumps (Vol. II)
11 Justice (Libra)
12 The Hanged Man (Water)
13 Death (Scorpio)
14 Art / Temperance (Sagittarius)
15 The Devil (Capricorn)
16 The Tower (Mars)
17 The Star (Aquarius)
18 The Moon (Moon)
19 The Sun (Sun)
20 Aeon (Fire / Spirit)
21 The Universe (Saturn to Earth)

Let these albums guide you into an out of this world experience and check out The Tarot Experience. May be reached at thetarotexperience2020@gmail.com or at paragon.musik.production@gmail.com

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