3 years ago

It's that time of year again! Depending on which part of the country or world you live, it's time to start thinking, planting or growing your kitchen garden this year! Even if you have never put a seed in the soil, this might be a good year to start. With the current global situaion, growing our own food, even if its just sprouting will give us all a hedge against inflation and keep our families nourished in the coming months. Today I am here to share my 2022 garden seed haul with you. With the exception of a couple other varieties, these are the items we are planning to grow. We will be starting at least six of each seed and will definitely plant out at least two or three and share the rest with other like minded friends if they desire. These are all relatively easy to grow and definitely delicious! Gardening can be very rewarding if you learn as you go and don't bite off more than you can chew. This isn't my first rodeo and have been gardening off and on for many years. I hope this encourages you to have a look, take a peek and get inspired to start your own. Whether its a potted tomato or a row garden, start thinking now and get growing!

Many of you who have been following along on the channel for a number of years know that we have had some amazing gardens since we started. Then we didn't share as much. There were a few years when we just didn't do it. Then 2020 and all the stuff that came with it caused us to rethink our garden. That year we planted a deck garden using grow bags and sterile potting mix. We had a great yield and it afforded me the opportunity to put a little more fresh produce on the table during a very questionable time. Last year we did not have a garden at all, relying or local farmers for our produce due to my surgery which I am, believe it or not, still healing from in one way or another. So I have some accesibility issues that I am still dealing with but I am not letting that stop me. We plan on doing a large deck and patio garden this year, using grow bags, grow towers and kiddie pools. I hope that it is as successful as I envision. We will be doing garden videos once a week from here on out through the season, sharing our new equipment, starting seeds, hardening off, planting and fertilizing and all the tips and tricks we have learned along the way to help you have a success in your own garden, deck garden or patio garden journey.

The first thing you need to start a garden is seeds. Seeds turn into plants, plants produce fruits and veggies and they are the most economical way to start a garden. Today I am sharing my seed haul from Baker Creek Hierloom Seed company. They have not sponsored this video and I purchased everything you see with my own money. If you are interested in having a look at what Baker Creek has to offer, you can find them at rareseeds.com

I am a seed maven and have rarely seen seeds that I didn't want to try growing. I want all the seeds. But how would that work for me? So I have to have a happy medium. I know this looks like a lot, but in the end we have a lot of herbs and some things that will be going into smaller bags, boxes and nooks and crannies. The mainstays such as the tomatoes, peppers, cukes and others will be in larger containers. Every time I plant something I learn something new. I watch lots of great creators here on YouTube that have shared a wealth of information that has even helped me in my pursuit of a better garden. You are never too knowledgeable and you are never smarter. You should always be learning, growing and trying to attain something better.

I hope this inspires you to start thinking about a garden this year. We live in a very mild climate. We do get cold in the winter, but rarely do we freeze. I can have peppers, tomatoes well into November. I know my area from experience. I know that its time to START seeds, not plant starts. I know that we do not dare plant until at the earliest, the second week in April and in past years have gotten late starts in the soil over Mother's Day weekend. We still had bountiful harvests and that is super satisfying. If you don't know the time to plant where you live, consult your local agricultural extension office or maybe some friends or family who know the skinny on when to put your garden in where you live. There is no substitute for an experienced friend willing to help you learn!

I hope that you give gardening a try this year and I hope you love it!

Happy Growing!

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